Explore the wisdom, guidance, healing and creativity offered by your dreams!
The ancient peoples knew that dreaming is medicine in many ways, showing what is happening inside our bodies, in our lives, in our relationship with ourselves, others and all life. They were well aware our dreams give us reports of our physical, emotional and spiritual health and honored their dreams through taking action in their daily lives. They knew dreams are not only personal but also transpersonal where we encounter and receive messages from gods, from departed loved ones, our ancestors and the ancestors of the land we live in. They paid great attention to their dreams for they knew we travel into the future in our dreams and see possibilities and challenges ahead of us. They practiced dream incubation for divination and healing thousands of years. Their practices were carried on for thousands of years First, we will be exploring ways to understanding our dreams and their messages in the sacred space and loving circle energy we will grow. We will learn to journey back inside our dreams to clarify their messages or to dream them onward, so we can open paths of healing for others and ourselves. Second, we will explore dream incubation which is still being widely practiced today in Anatolia, for receiving messages or healing. Third, we will practice a fun and easy way to share dreams for giving and receiving helpful feedback and guidance for action. By continuing to play the game later with friends, family and colleagues at work, you’ll find that it is not only a way to deepen your relationships but it is also a way to recognize and work with health warnings and precognitive elements in dreams, and collect personal images for healing and creative projects. Finally, we will honour our dreams through art and theater and will be playing fun games of coincidence and discover that the world around us is filled with magic and speaks to us just like dreams. Dates: 2nd - 3rd June 2018 Venue: Uplyme, West Dorset, UK Cost: £245, non residential. Lunches are included. To Book Contact: [email protected] |