You can find the trainings below. Individual instruction is also available.
Introduction to Shamanic Journeying: This course focuses on basic shamanic journeying and how to travel into non-ordinary realms to meet with helping spirits for guidance, insight, and healing. Aided by drumming (or any other percussion) to alter the states of consciousness and safely experience altered state of consciousness, participants are introduced to the basic journeying method to explore the spirit worlds and to experience their connection with Nature. They will also discover their own individual power animals and teachers. Participants will also learn how to apply shamanism to their daily lives to help themselves, others and the Earth. This workshop is an experiential workshop with practices encouraging participants to directly access spiritual revelation and to share their experiences with others. It is also an introductory workshop in shamanic healing (power animal retrieval), shamanic divination, power dance, community healing as well as the basics of creating sacred space.
No prior experience or training in shamanism is required for this course. This workshop is a pre-requisite for more advanced shamanic workshops.
Medicine for the Earth: This work helps us to understand that we have power right now to create change on the planet by incorporating simple and powerful spiritual practices into our lives.
"It is who we become that changes the world and our environment, not what we do" - Sandra Ingerman. This workshop is about Becoming that Change.
Medicine for the Earth teaches us how to transform personal and environmental toxins by learning how to transmute negative energy, attitudes and beliefs generated by our thoughts and emotions. We will work in cooperation with our helping spirits, the spirits of the land and also our own divine nature in creating healing. We will also be working with the elements of earth, air, fire and water. We will be exploring other practices to incorporate to our Daily lives.
Healing with Spiritual Light: Healing with Spiritual Light is a powerful spiritual healing technique. In being the light, we stimulate others to shine which creates healing. This healing occurs for ourselves, everything and everyone around us.
Merge with the pure energy of your helping compassionate spirits
Connect to unlimited powers of the universe
Practice the ancient art of transfiguration
Embody your light nature to shine brightly
Shape-shift into your own divinity
Experience states of love, light and oneness
Learn grounding techniques
Use a drum or other instrument while transfiguring
Be a force for healing
Walk in your light
Shamanic Extraction: Shamans across the world believe that negative thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and intentions can become intrusions in peoples' energy and physical bodies. Where there is a void or loss of power in one's energy body, space becomes available for intrusions to take residence. Many shamans are skilled at removing these intrusions and then restoring balance and power to the person's subtle energy body.
This is an advanced training and it is focused on detecting and removing intrusions from clients that have caused illness and suffering. The pre-requisite is strong journeying skills and to have completed a beginning workshop either with me or any teacher listed in
Death and Dying: One of the important traditional tasks of the shaman is to assist people who are either dying or the spirits of those who have died to make the transition into transcendent realms, a practice known as Psychopomp, from the Greek word psychopompos which literally means "conductor of souls". In Greek mythology, the god Hermes served as the guide for the dead into the afterlife. This concept of a guide or intermediary between the living and the dead is a collective theme found in most religions and mythologies.
In this workshop, we will deepen our personal understanding of death and rebirth, learn how to help the dying and the departed. The work includes (but not limited to):
- Journeying to connect with the departed for helpful and timely communication - The shaman's death, how to face our own death, understanding what it is, what needs to be done before we make the transition - Explore the cosmology of where souls go after death - How to help the dying in a culturally relevant way - Helping the departed on their journeys - Psychopomp - Going beyond our personal death to enter the mysteries of death and rebirth, bringing greater courage and clarity to the issues of daily life.
Intro to Shamanic Journeying is a pre-requisite for this course.
Soul Retrieval: Soul loss occurs often during and after traumatic incidents, death of a loved one, end of a relationship, forms of abuse, etc. During the incident, part of the person's core vitality leaves the physical body to escape and survive during the trauma. The challenge of this is that the soul part often cannot return without the help of someone trained in assisting its return. Symptoms of soul loss include feelings of dissociation, chronic depression, loss of will power, lack of passion, feeling stuck in the past PTSD.
The teachings taught on this course include (but not limited to): - understanding the causes of soul loss - healing the trauma and illness it can cause - tracking and recovering the soul essence - soul theft - soul remembering - life after soul retrieval